Kobra +1SS6 Straight Cut Paper Shredder 25 Sheets P2
SKU Kobra1ss6
Personal and deskside shredder.
Throat width: 230 mm
Shred size: 5,8 mm (P-2) straight cut
Sheet capacity: 23-25 (A4 70gr), 20-22 (A4 80gr)
Container volume: 38,5 liters
Personal and deskside straight cut shredder: a shredding capacity of up to 25 sheets at a time makes it convenient and easy to operate. Shreds also CDs, DVDs and credit cards by inserting them into the wide and convenient throat. Motor thermal protection: 24 hour continuous duty motor without overheating and duty cycle. Carbon hardened cutting knives unaffected by staples and clips.
Equipped with Energy Smart System with efficient optically illuminated indicator for power saving stand-by mode and environmental protection, Oil-free System, Automatic Start&Stop, Safety stop, Automatic reverse in case of jamming. Easy emptying operations: 38,5 litre waste bin, does not require lifting the cutting head. Front transparent window to check the shreds level. Environmentally friendly: does not require plastic bags.