
Tips To Help You Choose A Shredder

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We all work with paper and after a point, all that paper becomes unusable, unless, of course, it happens to be some important documentation which you are legally required to keep.

Unusable paper is waste paper, but, even waste paper can contain important or critical information, which you don’t want getting into the wrong hands. Your computer should be protected by anti-virus software and, equally, you need to consider security when it comes to your documents too. So, what’s the solution? Well, you put it through the paper shredder and that brings us to the question, “Do you have a paper shredder?”.

Well, if you don’t, you’re probably wondering how to choose a good one. Don’t worry, this little write up is going to help you exactly with that. Keep reading.

Types of paper shredders

There are mainly 3 kinds of paper shredders – strip-cut, cross-cut and micro-cut.

The strip-cut ones shred your paper into strips. This can range from 40 to 50 strips for a standard letter-sized sheet of paper. Strip-cut shredders are the most affordable of the 3. However, they offer the least security, in the sense that it is possible to piece the shredded paper strips together with enough effort.

However, if your paper documents don’t contain critical information and your objective is to just get rid of waste, this is your ideal shredder.

Next up, we have the cross-cut shredders. As the name implies, they shred your paper into vertical and horizontal strips. A standard letter-sized sheet of paper will end up as 300 to 400 bits at the end. In other words, the security level is high. It’s next to impossible trying to piece those bits together.

So, if your job involves handling secure information, this is the shredder for you. It might be a bit more expensive than the strip-cut variety, but, the level of security is worth it. Cross-cut shredders are often used in banks and financial institutions.

Finally, we have what is known as a micro-cut shredder. They offer the highest level of security because they shred paper into thousands of tiny bits. Hence, the name “micro-cut”. They are expensive and are mainly used by government agencies and large businesses with sensitive information. So, if you are a small to medium sized business, these shredders are unnecessary.

However, if you are paranoid about security, you could settle for this option.


Now, the next thing to look for is the throat (feed) size. The throat is where you’re going to be feeding the paper through. So, make sure it’s large enough if you often deal with large paper sizes. The standard size would be at least 22 centimeters, which is perfect for A4 documents.

Integrated units

Integrated units with the waste-basket attached can make things easier. However, if you want to save a few bucks or want a basket with greater capacity, go for the stand-alone units. They are cheaper and compatible with most waste-paper basket sizes.

Auto Feed

The paper shredder has a tray onto which you can place a small heap of documents which the machine then auto-feeds to be shredded and the user is not required to manually feed each batch of papers through.

Visit The Whiteboard Shop shredders page if you are looking for a shredder.

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