
Why use a flipchart?

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Flip charts are often seen as an outdated tool when it comes to presentations. The reason is that they can take a lot more time and effort to create than the typical power point presentation. While that might be true, a power point presentation comes with a lot more baggage than a flip chart. There are a number of ways in which flip charts are a lot better than electronic presentations.

Flipcharts are electricity-blackout proof! 

Here are a few reasons why you need to use flip charts

  • Flip charts can be used anywhere - They have a level of flexibility that computerized presentations can never match. They can be used in a variety of situations. There is no need to have a setup with projectors, screens, and an operator. All you really need is an easel. If that is not available, you can simply hold it up and still get your point across to the audience.
  • Economical - Flip charts are cheap to buy, they are cheap to make, and once made, they will last as long as you need them to. You also do not need to carry a laptop with propriety software to run a flip chart.
  • Spontaneity - They can be coloured, changes can be made, and pointers can be added and removed on the fly.
  • Personal - Flip charts are often filled by hand, with the presentor writing and filling in notes by themselves. This gives a personal touch to the presentation being made. That is something that will be greatly appreciated in settings that are used to seeing electronic clip arts and impersonal graphics that can be made by just anyone. In a teaching setup, like in a school, flip charts are invaluable.
  • Whiteboard - Flipcharts have a whiteboard behind the paper pad so you always have a backup whiteboard if you run out of paper or need another writing surface.

Choosing the right flip chart Flip charts need to be bought with a certain utility in mind. Most flip charts will get the job done, but not all of them might be the right one for you. Flip charts are normally attached to the top with a large clip like mechanism. Find one that works in this manner. They have a clean flipping motion and are simple to use. The size and grip of the clips are also important.

Large clips are often preferred, but they are also tight and difficult to handle with ease. There are different sized charts for handles and stands. The idea is to get charts that fit the stand. Some charts have the spacing holes in different places. If you are not sure about the way the stand is going to be, find charts that are universal.

Perforated charts are preferred as they can be easily ripped off the pads. It makes the tear even and neat. They also allow for better movement. The type of sheet that you want can also be chosen as needed. There are plain sheets as well ruled and grid marked. Each have their own advantages, so make sure you are able to get the right sheets for the job at hand. Make sure you have designed the charts on a rough page or a notebook before you translate it to the flip charts, saves a lot of time and energy as well as sheets.   To view the flip charts available by please click here

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