
Make Your Meetings More Productive with Interactive Whiteboards

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Make Your Meetings More Productive with Interactive Whiteboards

If there’s one thing about most meetings, it’s that they are boring and often unproductive. Now, we aren’t going to list out every reason here as to why meetings are boring. However, what we are here to do is offer a solution that is very capable of making meetings interactive and productive. The solution we are referring to is the Interactive Whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards, as you might already know, are like regular whiteboards, but, they have smart, digital capabilities. They’re basically like digital displays. Now, you’re probably wondering as to why interactive whiteboards would serve as the ideal solution to spice up meetings. Well, we have the answers. So, keep reading.

Increased engagement

When compared to the usual PowerPoint presentations, presentations carried out on interactive whiteboards aren’t limited to a single person. They are designed to be interactive, which means they allow multiple users to take charge when necessary. Needless to say, this system allows for everyone to take part and contribute. This isn’t possible with PowerPoint presentations because only a single user can carry out the presentation. At best, you can have two or three more people, but, then again, you’re not changing the “sender-receiver” setup much. With interactive whiteboards, there are no senders or receivers. Everybody is involved and the information is shared.

Real-time communication

Interactive whiteboards also allow real-time communication. This is great if you have a lot of remote workers in your organisation or communicate with clients from other regions. You gain the ability to make updates and changes in real-time ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Finally, you can even share the presentation with the current changes almost immediately. They can be simply emailed to everybody involved in the meeting.

Easy highlighting

Interactive whiteboards are loaded with unique features and tools that make it easier for carrying out presentations. For example, some interactive whiteboards have features that aid with estimating, 3D modelling and hyperlinking. So, if there are points you want to emphasise on, you now have the tools to do it right away. You can even record feedback instantly and make the update.


Apart from everything we’ve mentioned above, interactive whiteboards also allow sharing. This is something that matters a lot in today’s communication environment. With the right additions, your interactive whiteboard can be made to communicate with smartphones and tablets. So, the data is not centralised anymore. Everybody gains access to it. For instance, if you want to go back to a slide, you can do it yourself. There’s no need to bother the presenter.


Interactive whiteboards have features like gesture control or touchscreen control. So, it’s super easy working with one. For instance, you want to zoom in on something, you can just use a particular gesture. In fact, you can even write on documents while presenting them. The point is, you can do so much with an interactive whiteboard and your meetings don’t have to be carried out like classroom lectures. To see what Interactive Whiteboards are available on please click here

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