
Are you thinking of buying a whiteboard for presentations?

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Whiteboards have been popular for decades in the corporate world as well as in classrooms, lecture halls and anywhere where creativity meets innovation. There are various reasons for the growth in usage of whiteboards, most of all due to the benefits provided by interactive collaboration compounded by visual stimuli. Just these two abovementioned reasons should be enough to seriously consider incorporating whiteboards into your work experience.

Before diving in and rushing out to purchase one there are some things to consider. First of all, size matters. The larger the room the larger the whiteboard should be. If you are planning on using it often and for most projects larger is also better. Practise writing on the whiteboard before using it in your first presentation and consider whether or not you may want to have your whiteboard custom made with lines on it. This way you will ensure that your presentations always look neat and professional.

Custom made whiteboards are very popular and could be well worth the extra time taken between purchase and delivery. Perhaps feint lines on only one side of the board would be a good option, leaving the alternate side open for mind maps and other informal concepts.

The next thing to consider is what accessories to purchase that will enhance your whiteboard's visual appeal. The Whiteboard Shop offers a range of whiteboard markers, magnets and dry erase cloths. Using the correct high quality pens and keeping your whiteboard clean and dust free so as to prevent scratching will ensure that it lasts for years to come.

These days you can magnetize practically any image you like so think about the subject matter and choose some brightly coloured pictures and symbols that can be reused and effectively convey ideas.

Magnetic whiteboards have long been the most popular purchases as the sky is the limit when it comes to creativity. Having preprinted information readily available to stick onto your whiteboard always saves time and bright colours with pertinent information go a long way when it comes to your audience noting and retaining valuable information. Most importantly keep the information simple yet to the point, using keywords and bullet points instead of long paragraphs that waste valuable space.

Always do your research and practise beforehand so that you're aware of the time it will take to present the information, leaving enough time for your audience to interact and also to copy the relevant information received.

The results will speak for themselves.

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